All of us crave more happiness in our lives, but what works best? SoHaPP – Habits for Happiness suggests specific practices to be successful. We must first understand ourselves, and control the factors promoting health and resiliency of our most important asset – the mind. We now know that repeated positive behaviors will strengthen brain connections, creating a stronger habit with resulting changes to our sub-conscious and character. Which behaviors increase our happiness the most?
Good social connections are the greatest predictor for long term happiness. SoHaPP’s five particular habits enhances relationships between people. The science behind happiness is relatively new, as for centuries research focused only on mental illness, not wellness. To increase our understanding, SoHaPP is providing a series of workshops and book reads at the Enumclaw Library. Beginning this November and extending through March, each month’s efforts will focus on one particular habit. The workshops are hosted by the Enumclaw Library on the first Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30 am. They will be facilitated by Andrea Carvalho and feature guest speakers sharing personal stories of that practice effectively changing their life or the life of others. Andrea and Keri Marquand will co-facilitate book reads on the third Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 pm. Share what the book means to you, and learn viewpoints from others attending. Limited copies of the books are available at the Enumclaw Library, and The Sequel is offering a 25% discount over the next five months. Starting this November, begin a journey of finding more happiness in your life. On Nov. 4 learn the scientifically proven benefits of Expressing Gratitude, and explore ways to bring more of this wonderful characteristic into your life. George Coulbourn from Black Diamond will share how gratitude helped with the struggles and losses in his life. For Nov. 15, the book “Gratitude” by Oliver Sacks examines the value of life while facing a diagnosis of terminal cancer, and meditates on the clarity felt when reflecting through a lens of gratitude. Don’t miss Dec. 2 when Carol Decker shares her incredible story of fighting sepsis, eventually being blind and a triple amputee. There are simple techniques for Creating Positive Experiences that can change one’s outlook on life, even dealing with stress or hardships. For Dec. 20, “Before Happiness” by Shawn Achor explores how embracing optimism can inspire change, build motivation, and ultimately increase happiness in your life. Start the New Year right on Jan. 6 at the workshop on Meditation and mindfulness, and explore globally used techniques to clear one’s mind. Elementary Counselors of Enumclaw S.D. will discuss how these tools are being utilized by our children. Let’s build this strength into our own lives – no prior experience is needed. On Jan. 17, we will discuss “Wherever You Go, There You Are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Cultivate a practice of living in the present and connect with yourself and environment, applying mindfulness in daily activities. On Feb. 3 Superintendent Mike Nelson will explore the power of Kindness, from providing happiness to alleviating grief. Learn how practicing kindness may lower one’s blood pressure, reduce anxiety or depression. For Feb. 21 “Wonder” by RJ Palacio follows a wrenching but heart-warming story of a ten-year-old boy with extreme facial abnormalities entering public school for the first time, and how his community learns to look beyond appearances. Join us on March 3 with Jubilee Naturals owner Kim Ode, who will explore Physical Wellness and how diet and exercise impacts your mood and improves the mind’s functionality, memory and attention. Then on March 21, learn surprising scientific research debunking common fitness myths and offering insight for fitness goals as we review the book “The First 20 Minutes” by Gretchen Reynolds. An exciting calendar of amazing speakers, wonderful books, and a collection of the science behind each habit is being offered to the community for free. You can participate in either the workshop or book read or both, and attend just one or up to all five practices. By focusing on just one habit for 30 days and taking small daily steps, your habit will intensify with practice, the effects will compound over time, and eventually you will achieve great rewards. For further information, visit
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